"grace comes in different shapes and sizes, even the messy ones"

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pray for Oklahoma

So thankful to be safe and sound after the horrific tornado ripped through Oklahoma yesterday.  Our prayers are with those who are less fortunate, and we are grieving with those who lost lives of loved ones and homes.  I love Oklahoma, and I love seeing our community come together and help each other out. Proud to be an Okie! Here's an update from Jeremy's blog, check it out!

A Deadly Tornado Hits Moore Oklahoma, Again.

I am so grateful to report that Chelsea and I made it through the recent storms safely and do not have any damage. As most of your know, we live in the South OKC/Moore Oklahoma area. The tornado did come very close to us and our home but we only lost power and water.

I left my work on the north side of OKC at about 2:10, thinking I had plenty of time to get some things from our home then go to a storm cellar of some family friends. By the time I got to the south side of OKC I realized I need to get to the cellar ASAP, and that is what I did. Chelsea was at work in Moore and went to a safe room in the building. Chelsea was very close to the tornado and because of the jammed phone lines I wasn't sure if she was okay for 30 mins- 1 hour after the tornado was over.

The day of the tornado and the day after my church family at Graceway Baptist began to collect donations and open up the church for victims of the storm. We were able to get into the destroyed areas and pass out food and water. I have attached some pictures I took while we were out as well as pictures posted on New Channel 4's kfor.com. I have also added the live stream of News Channel 4 so you can see live coverage of the relief efforts.

If you would like to help or give to relief efforts please go to www.okdisasterhelp.com or call Graceway Baptist Church at (405) 691-1934.

>>Click on the photo to view the full size<<
These are my pictures:

 New Channel 4's pictures:

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