"grace comes in different shapes and sizes, even the messy ones"

Friday, December 13, 2013

Send North America Conference

Jeremy and I were beyond thrilled to be heading to Dallas, Tx for the Send North America Conference.  This conference is put on by the North American Mission Board, and its main focus is church planting.  They emphasize mobilizing church planters, as well as, encouraging established churches to get on board with supporting church planters. We were invited to go by Sean Pierce, who has been our main source of contact from Albany, NY.  We were so excited to get to meet him, and some church planters from the North Eastern United States! God lined up everything for this weekend to happen, and we were so blessed by all that we learned and gathered from the conference. 

^^^Our first stop was In-N-Out Burgers... first time there and it was delicious!^^^

^^^This event was held at Prestonwood Baptist Church. Much more like a mall than a church... it was huge!^^^

 ^^^This was the booth dedicated to North East church planting. It was so neat to meet so many people passionate about this part of the United States!^^^

 ^^^Jeremy finally getting to meet Sean Pierce! He is the Director of Missions for the Hudson Valley Association and has been our main source of information and contact throughout this process.^^^

Throughout the conference there were different breakout sessions you could choose from to attend based on the different topics.  We followed the church planters track, and attended some great sessions! Jeremy and I went to most of them together, but we did split up a few times so I could go to some of the sessions geared towards women.  The picture above was from the breakout for church planting wives put on by Shauna Pilgreen and Christine Hoover.  It was so amazing! They shared several things that they had learned from their journeys as church planting wives.  It was so neat hearing their stories, and learning from women who have walked down the path that I will be walking down one day.  The other breakouts we attended were great too, and we both left with so much information! 

^^^lunch the next day was Chick-Fil-A... totally hit the spot!^^^

^^^such a good reminder as we left the conference that day. Please join us in praying for the Lord to raise up more workers that will be passionate about seeing the gospel go forth to a lost world.^^^ 

^^^dinner that night... so good!^^^

^^^a little shopping at The Galleria never hurt anyone :) ^^^

^^^And of course, we had to end with lunch at Corner Bakery.^^^

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