20 weeks!! I feel like just yesterday, we found out we were having a baby, and already we have reached the half-way mark. Time is moving so quickly, and while I'm so excited to meet Mav, I feel like time is passing TOO quickly. If pregnancy goes this fast, I can only imagine how fast it will go once he is finally here! Is it pathetic that I'm already sad about him growing up?? I just want to enjoy every moment, and keep him little forever. With each passing day, my love for little Maverick grows, and I am humbled by the opportunity to be his mommy.
Pregnancy these days is much better than before. Around week 13, my sickness was completely gone. About week 16, I finally felt some of my energy return. And week 19, finding out it was a little boy growing inside me has just made this so much more real. He is very active, and moves most of the day. His strongest little kicks are usually in the afternoon or once I get into bed at night. Jeremy finally got to feel him move a couple of weeks ago, and that was just so much fun! The only real "cravings" i've had usually pass after I've eaten whatever it was that I wanted-- so nothing real consistent. However, chick-fil-a, chips and queso, sonic hotdogs, popcorn, grapes, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and Jeremy grilling burgers ALWAYS sounds good. But to Jeremy's delight, I have been pretty diverse in food choices, so he's not eating the same things over and over.
Here's some of our newest pictures of Maverick Jude. He's already such a little cutie :)

Excited for the weeks to come!
You are ao right! Pregnancy flies by so eat what you want and enjoy every minute!!! I had a really rough pregnancy but I do miss it now like crazy!! Talk, sing, read do everything you can !! I miss the belly most of all and I hated it at the time! Trust me, you are more than right about how fast he will grow!! Addie is already four months and i habe no idea where the time went!!!! Just try to enjoy it at the end when you are absolutely miserable!!!! Eat eat eat! It will all come off later!! That is one thing i did do, is let myself sit back, relax, and indulge in my chinese food and ice cream ! F do try to make yourself walk and stretch if its omay with your Dr. It will make you feel terrific and will help with ykur labor!!! Rolling around on your back on a yoga ball helped my back a d hips so much at the end!!! Just remember when your feel bad that it will all be worth it in the end when you get to hold him in your arms for the first t ime!!! Hopefully he has your curls!!!!