"grace comes in different shapes and sizes, even the messy ones"

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Healthy Habits--- Breakfast foods!

It's time for another Healthy Habits post linking up with Katie! I love participating in this because so many of the other posts are so inspiring and motivating.  I love discovering new ideas and insight into leading a more healthy lifestyle and finding more blogger friends! 

This week, I've decided to start focusing on my breakfast habits. I am NOT a breakfast food fan at all, but the older I get the more and more I believe that it really is the most important meal of the day.  On the days that I make time to eat a good breakfast, I have so much more energy throughout the day, and feel more productive getting things checked off my to-do list. Also, after quite a serious low-blood sugar scare last week, I've tried to be more intentional with my choices.  I love searching Pinterest for new high protein breakfast options that will help my blood sugar stay level and make me feel full for longer periods of times... which is a difficult task while pregnant. 

So I thought I would share with you my most favorite new smoothie recipe I've found! It was super easy to make, and gave me soooo much energy, and seriously kept me feeling full for almost 3 hours, which again, is a LONG time for this pregnant lady!

I did leave out the oats only because I didn't have any, but I want to try that next time! My honey isn't raw honey either... I've never bought raw honey before, so I just used what I had on hand... close enough right?

One thing I loved about this was how easily it blended up! It was so smooth, and not too sweet or filling that you couldn't drink the whole smoothie. And man was it yummy!!

 I will definitely be making this  a regular part of each week!!

What are some of your favorite breakfasts?? I would love to hear anybody's suggestions!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

my week in Iphone photos

^^^got my FREE carseat canopy in the mail!^^^

^^^soooo maybe I had an overwhelming craving for grilled cheese... and maybe it was 11:00pm after I was already in bed.... It hit the spot! ^^^

^^^nail day for my sister's wedding!^^^

^^^Rehearsal Dinner!^^^

^^^Wedding day, finally!! It was such a beautiful day, and so much fun celebrating Jenny and Isaac!^^^

^^^ 25 weeks! Crazy crazy crazy.^^^

^^^found out Baby Hughes is another baby boy! Maverick and Bentley will only be a few weeks apart.. so fun!^^^

^^^leftover wedding food makes good lunches for several days in a row :)^^^

^^^Made a new mexican casserole for dinner, and Jeremy decided we should have an indoor picnic and watch Netflix!^^^

^^^tried out a new recipe for a breakfast smoothie, and loved it!^^^

^^^a few rounds of card games after dinner one night.^^^

^^^a nice chat with my Grandpa before bed.^^^

^^^and a new pic I found on Pinterest that rings true more now than ever. Pregnancy is hard work!^^^

Happy Wednesday, friends! It's almost the weekend, make it a good one! :) 

*also if you want to follow my blog, enter your email address in the box labeled "follow by email" on the top right of the page! Once you're a follower, you can post comments, thoughts, or questions on my blog posts and receive updates via email whenever a new post is added!*

Saturday, June 21, 2014

to my sister on her wedding day

Today, my sister is getting married!! I can't believe how quickly these six months of planning and waiting have passed by.  I am so excited to watch her walk down the aisle to her best friend, and even more excited to see all that God has planned for their lives together.  In thinking about her wedding, these three songs keep playing back in my mind, and I wanted to share them...

^^^This ones for my dad, the best dad there is. He sang this song to us when we were little girls.  I can remember when it would get to the wedding part of the song, and thinking how that was so far away and would take forever to get here. Oh how my perspective has changed. That feels like just a few yesterdays ago... somedays it would be nice to go back to those days.  Dad, you did an amazing job raising two daughters who will always be daddy's girls! Thank you for always being such an active part of our lives, and trusting the Lord in giving us away to our husbands.  You have set the bar high. I love you so much!^^^

^^^Obviously, this song is for my mom-- the most selfless person I know. She has endlessly given of herself to plan two weddings, and make all of our dreams come true.  She always gives and never expects anything in return.  She showed us how to be strong independent women; yet, her unwavering love for my dad taught us to seek the right men to give our hearts to, and to faithfully do life with them.  We found two good men, and today as you watch Jenny walk down to her future, take pride in the fact that you had a huge part in us finding good men of character to spend the rest of our lives with.  Love you, mom!^^^

^^^And lastly, this one is for my sister.  It seems like just yesterday we were putting on our play makeup, dress up dresses, and using our pillows to be our big blue fans to sing this song for mom and dad. Can't believe by the end of the day we will both be married! Marriage is such a crazy wild ride, but it is also the best ride ever. I am so so happy for you! Always remember, "there were never such devoted sisters." I love you and will always be here cheering you and Isaac on.  Now go get married!!!^^^

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Healthy Habits Link Up

I'm so excited to participate in my first blog link up with Katie at http://www.katiedidwhat.com/ with her Healthy Habits topic!  Every Thursday, she will post something about healthy living, and anyone who blogs about this topic can link back to her website, where all the link ups will be posted.  The goal is to gain some support when it comes to healthy living by reading about other people's journeys, ideas, recipes, exercises, etc. I'm excited to participate and gain some inspiration!

Honestly, I feel a tad hypocritical to even be writing a blog about healthy living, when this pregnancy has literally taken just about everything out of me and my healthy eating habits have really suffered. The first twelve weeks of pregnancy were pretty bad, and I was constantly sick. All day. Everyday.  This made eating healthy very difficult. When something sounded good for once, I just ate it--- because it was very rare for anything to ever sound good or taste good.  However, healthy eating has always been very important to me, and I hate that I let myself get so out of the habit.

 Once I started feeling better, grocery shopping again, and cooking again, I was excited to get back into the groove of healthier eating habits.  Fruit and veggies finally sounded good again, and I could tell a huge difference when I ate these foods.  One of the biggest changes I made around week 13 that made a huge difference for me was drinking a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar with a glass of water or orange juice each morning.  I did this religiously before I was pregnant, but quit once I was so queasy all the time.  Its amazing the energy the ACV gave me, as well as, what all it does to regulate your system.  Anyone whose ever been pregnant knows how difficult regularity can be, and I loved that this was an all-natural way to get those digestive juices flowing and helped me not feel so bloated and not having to deal with stomach issues all the time.  This one change has made a big difference with this pregnancy.

I really don't know how pregnant women maintain a super healthy eating plan, and find the energy to go to the gym consistently.  On my days off work, I get to the gym, and feel great when I do, but usually after work, I am zapped for energy and just can't make myself go.  I cannot wait to feel "normal" again, and be able to workout like I used to!  I'm excited to start making other healthy changes with this pregnancy as I can.

How did you maintain a healthy lifestyle while pregnant?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

my week in Iphone photos

^^^this particular morning I just had to make a Starbucks run before work to get my body to wake up! And I happened upon this new menu item... it is to die for! A slow roasted ham, egg, and swiss on a croissant roll... I'll take one every morning please.^^^

^^^ordered this shirt from Olive Lane and I can't wait until my non-pregnant self can wear it!^^^

^^^We had our monthly check-up for baby Maverick so Jeremy took the day off, and we tried a new place for lunch after the doctor.  Mav is doing just great, and the pizza was so good. If you live in the OKC area, make it out to Pizza 23 on 23rd street!^^^

^^^baking fail.  I don't even know why I try to bake.  I enjoy cooking and can make just about anything with a good recipe to follow.  This was a cake mix, and I still messed it up.  (and yes, I did spray the bottom of the pan). At least one of the tiers was salvageable.^^^

^^^started my sister's bachelorette party off with a wonderful dinner at Othellos in Norman. I'm an Italian food snob, and this was seriously some of the best Italian food I've ever had.  I will definitely be going back!^^^

^^^hit the 24 week mark, which means only 16 weeks left until we get to meet our baby! Can't believe how fast time is moving.^^^

^^^enjoyed a lovely lunch at TeaLicious Bakery for my sister's bridal luncheon! The food was so good, and it was just perfect. Can't believe we're already to the week of the wedding!^^^

^^^finally, got my diploma in the mail!^^^

^^^celebrated Father's day with my family on Sunday.  I just thought this bag was so cute, and had to snap a picture of it!^^^

^^^decided to frost the one tier of the cake I made, and good news... it tasted just fine! It was just awkward and flat.^^^

^^^enjoyed a family night by the pool, and Jeremy grilled burgers!^^^

^^^my mom bought me my favorite scent from Bath and Body Works that they only have during their semi-annual sale, which you should definitely check out because these two were only $4 a piece!^^^

*also if you want to follow my blog, enter your email address in the box labeled "follow by email" on the top right of the page! Once you're a follower, you can post comments, thoughts, or questions on my blog posts and receive updates via email whenever a new post is added!*

Monday, June 16, 2014

here's to 23!

This year for my birthday, we didn't do a whole lot.  I was still sick most days and not feeling very good from all that first trimester fun ;) So the weekend before, Jeremy took me to get a pedicure (that takes on a whole new level of perfection when you're pregnant and you're feet hurt like you never knew they could hurt), and then a little shopping and to dinner at Zio's. Then the night of my birthday, my family went to eat at Fuzzy's downtown for some awesome tacos and the best darn queso that's ever been made. Then headed to the mall for a birthday cookie. (normally I don't even like cookies, but pregnancy makes you do all sorts of strange things.) It was a fun night, and we got some fun pictures that I wanted to share. I have a feeling 23 is going to be the best year yet! Can't believe next year I'll have a six-month-old Maverick in my arms. Can't wait!     

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, Jeremy and I headed down to the Paseo Arts Festival! We were there a total of ten minutes before it started pouring rain. That's the thing with Oklahoma... you can never really predict the weather.  Sure, the forecast showed scattered showers for the day, but any real Okie knows you can't always trust the forecast.  So we headed out with no umbrella, rain jacket, or anything to protect us from rain at all. (stupid us) However, we LOVE rain, and actually got to enjoy it from inside a little restaurant until finally just deciding to just get wet and enjoy the art! 

^^^some AMAZING Italian nachos we split while listening to the rain^^^

^^^ran across the street in the heaviest part of the rain just for a funnel cake. Maverick appreciated it.^^^

^^^I'm not a super artsy person, but the pottery store was really cool. They offer classes too, I'd love to try that one day! All of these pieces were handmade and painted, and they all were very reasonably priced!^^^

^^^after about an hour and half, we decided we were tired of being wet, and headed to the mall instead.  Inside shopping was a better option for that day!^^^

^^^found the cutest tote at Forever21 and just had to have it!^^^