"grace comes in different shapes and sizes, even the messy ones"

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Healthy Habits-- Homemade Ranch Dressing

I've missed a few weeks, but I'm excited to be linking up with Katie again for her Healthy Habits series! Make sure to head over to her blog, and check out all the other link ups! 

So for this week's post, I wanted to share this new recipe I found for homemade light Ranch dressing! I sort of L-O-V-E ranch dressing and want to dip everything I eat in it. I mean its just so good, and makes everything taste better! However, if you've looked at the calories, fat, and strange ingredients listed on most bottled Ranch dressings, it doesn't take long to realize its not the best thing to be putting into your body.  Soooo after trying several Pinterest recipes for Ranch dressing, and being disappointed, I finally found one that tastes just like the real thing, has the perfect consistency, and is sooo easy to make! 
  • 1 package dry ranch dressing mix
  • 1 cup non fat plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup 1% milk
  • combine all ingredients 
  • whisk together 
  • chill for 2 hours before serving. And voila! You've got homemade ranch dressing with REAL ingredients and low in calories and fat!

^^^ this recipe made about 2 cups, and it lasted about a week and a half before it started getting sort of bubbly on top which weirded me out so I threw it out and made more!^^^

 Hope you enjoy yours when you make it! What are some other dressings or dips you've learned to make at home?? I would love to hear!


  1. Mmmmmm ranch dressing is such a guilty pleasure! It's just so good with veggies!! :) Love that you created this healthier version! I usually just mix some olive oil and balsamic vinegar for an easy and healthy salad dressing! It's super yummy too!


    1. Yum! I love balsamic vinegar. Will definitely have to try that! I love easy combos like that!

  2. I seriously substitute greek yogurt in everything haha! I'm going to have to try this out!

    1. I'm just starting to discover all you can use greek yogurt for! Haha its such a healthy substitute!

  3. I love ranch so much I could eat it with a spoon... Okay, maybe not quite that much (; I will be trying this recipe ASAP! It looks much easier than any of the other homemade ranch recipes I've seen!!
    Thanks for sharing (:

    1. Haha I seriously could eat it with a spoon! :) Hope you enjoy it when you try it out!!
