"grace comes in different shapes and sizes, even the messy ones"

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

my week in iPhones photos

^^^Jeremy took half the day off and surprised me with my favorite lunch during my break at work!^^^

^^^If you've ever pinned "4 ingredient peanut butter cookies" on Pinterest.... just go ahead and delete that pin now.  They don't turn out, are more flat than pancakes, and taste awful.^^^

^^^I got to listen to Jeremy teach the youth group at our church on Wednesday night.  He did a fab job!^^^

^^^hit the 6 months until Christmas mark! And the ABC Family app celebrated with a Xmas movie marathon. Of course, I participated!^^^

^^^weekly dinner and 24 watching with my family is a highlight of our week! Jack is so awesome.^^^

^^^Maverick got a gift from Jamaica from his Gigi and Uncle Isaac!^^^

^^^On another note, if you've ever pinned the s'mores graham krispie treats, do yourself a favor and make them! So easy and sooo good!^^^

^^^our first time visiting Roxy's ice cream truck.  it did not disappoint! So good on a hot summer afternoon!^^^

^^^So excited to see the countdown under 100! This baby will be here soon!^^^

^^^spent a rainy Saturday afternoon at the library^^^

^^^first firework show of the season with some good friends!^^^

^^^26 weeks!^^^

^^^I had to satisfy my Christmas longing with a good Christmas read from the library! Finished it the next day. It may have made me even more ready for the holidays... oops!^^^

^^^went to bed craving scrambled eggs so badly! I opted out of washing my hair the next morning just to make time for eggs before work. It was worth it!^^^

^^^made some homemade light ranch dressing that is so so good! I'll have to post the recipe later on the blog. I will definitely be making more, and I'm done with the bottled stuff!^^^

^^^celebrated Jeremy turning in his last assignment for school with some Chinese takeout!^^^

^^^made some skinny chocolate chip cookies-- my favorite recipe for cookies! So easy and so tasty!^^^

^^^a red, white, and blue cupcake my sister made for dinner last night to get into the holiday spirit!^^^

I hope everyone is having a lovely Wednesday! Excited its a short work week, and can't wait to celebrate the USA this weekend with family and friends! Be safe and watch lots of fireworks!

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