"grace comes in different shapes and sizes, even the messy ones"

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

my week in iPhone photos

^^^made a homemade cookie cake for the first time, and it was delicious! I definitely recommend this recipe!^^^

^^^two "fun" parts of the beginning of the third trimester! I swear this heartburn is crazy, I'm always chomping on some TUMS right after dinner, and as soon as I get into bed. Also, did the glucose test this week... it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  Just the after taste burns!^^^

^^^registered at Babies "R" US, and decided these signs should be mandatory in every parking lot!^^^

^^^free Icee day at 7-11 was a must have on a H-O-T day!^^^

^^^this is Jeremy showing my Grandpa what a "selfie" is, ha!^^^

^^^went over to Ft. Smith to find out that Baby Keenen is a baby boy! I'll become a mother and an aunt within a couple months of each other... fun times!^^^

^^^fun dessert in Ft. Smith^^^

^^^28 weeks already^^^

^^^enjoyed a morning with nothing to do but sleep in, drink coffee, and catch up on my shows!^^^

^^^lunch selfie with the family^^^

^^^Maverick's newest additions to his room that is slowly starting to come together!^^^

^^^cute tiny baby socks :) ^^^

^^^enjoyed a family walk last night!^^^

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