^^^FINALLY got caught up on ironing! Usually we just pull from the pile and iron as we need it, but trying to get on top of things before Maverick makes his arrival.^^^
^^^now having appointments every 2 weeks! Can't believe how close its getting!^^^
^^^had lunch with my Dad and Jeremy and Papa Angelos in Bethany. Best. Pizza. Ever.^^^
^^^newest close-up of Maverick Jude^^^
^^^said goodbye to some good friends that are moving to Boston!^^^
^^^Jeremy and I bought a car that Maverick can fit in! We are so excited.^^^
^^^Week 30! On the downhill slide now!^^^
^^^movie night in bed with Jeremy watching Catching Fire since I finished the book!^^^
^^^started washing baby clothes this week! So fun getting things ready.^^^
^^^made some yummy crockpot potato soup to go along with the chilly-er weather we've been having! It hit the spot!^^^